Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Keep Your Government Hands Off My Glands

Reading David Rosen's article 9 Ways to Halt the Right Wing Culture Wars and Bring Sanity to Sexual Policy, made me cringe. Rosen argues that now is the time for liberals to control the culture battles on sexuality, gender and reproduction through government regulation.

It's true, that the religious falange want to repeal the Enlightenment. But, why is it that someone with progressive social views like Rosen's believes that our reproductive glands are ripe for government control? Why isn't it better that government, progressive or repressive, keep its hand off our reproductive systems?

Gay military service? Why would you want to join the military if you're queer? Why would put your life on the line for a country that treats you as second class and won't permit you the same privileges and rights as straight citizens. If you must, then you know what you're in for, Gomer.

Sex education? Do you think parents might be able to handle that?

And, as to Roe v. Wade, enough already. Let it go, and remove the last bogeyman of national significance out of the hands of the genitalia police. It's the most effective tool for their fundie hate campaigns. What would they rally around then? Women's suffrage? Let the US Department of Health require states receiving federal money to have places where women can have a safe abortion. Red states gorge at the federal trough at the expense of the blue states. Is it remotely likely that the cracker states will send the federal money back?

Gay marriage? Why license marriage at all? Let gay churches/temples/synagogues marry gays and sex-negative churches/temples/synagogues marry closeted gays and others. We don't need no stinking licenses!

Carl says, "DON'T BE DUMB DAVID ROSEN. Government has pretty much screwed up everything. It's bad enough that it's got its hands so deeply in our pockets. Let's keep them out of our pants."

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