Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bush Dynasty News: Jeb Wants to Continue His Brother's Work

Now, from the family that profited by helping fund the Third Reich, looted Silverado Savings and Loan costing taxpayers about $1 billion, disdains the poor, ruined our economy (while our VP made investments to profit from the collapse) and destroyed any stature we had left as a positive voice in the world, this news: Jeb's gonna run for the seat Sen. Mel Martinez, of the extremist anti-Castro re-take Cuba guard, was keeping warm for him.

Carl says, "DONT' BE DUMB, Floridians. The 2000 election was bad enough. Don't inflict your political problems on the rest of us. If you love the Bushes so much, elect Jeb governor again; George, who raised over $700,000 there in one night, can be mayor of Palm Beach. Keep your crap in your own backyard. Noelle's probably got better connections at home, anyway."

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